Monday, October 3, 2016

Finding my Motivation


I'm not doing so well with keeping up with my last post was August 1st!  EEEKKK! 

A lot has happened since then - school has started; summer baseball ended; fall ball and fall soccer has started; I lost and found my motivation for my journey to getting healthy; I've moved offices at work; taken on a new crafting project; and lots of other things.  Let's just say, even though I didn't keep up with my blog, life keeps going on!

First things first - school.  We're nearly done with the first quarter already!  I have a FIFTH grader, and my "baby" is in SECOND grade!  Both absolutely love their teachers, and I'm fairly certain they've been matched up with the best possible teachers they could have been.  

Caden has a funny and out going homeroom teacher who makes learning fun and plays to their strengths.  His reading and English teacher makes reading and writing fun - Caden LOVES reading, and she has encouraged him to try out new books he might not choose on his own!  

Jillian's teacher is quiet, sweet, and makes them feel like they're the most important person in the room.   Jillian is my quiet child, and her teacher has helped her find her voice.  She was just recognized as the student in her class who best demonstrated their "8th Habit" - Find Your Voice!

July and August were filled with summer baseball for both Caden and Jillian, and swimming lessons.  Bobby coached Caden's team, and Jillian played on a team for 1st and 2nd graders with the boys.  She was the only girl on her team, and one of 6 in the league.  I think she decided to play baseball instead of softball because she likes for everyone to know who she is - LOL!  Both did great, and we had to divide and conquer a lot because both kiddos played on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at different ball parks.

We had a three week break after summer baseball ended, and then Fall Ball started for Caden & Bobby, and Jillian started Fall Soccer.   Can you tell that Caden LOVES baseball????  

I love that Bobby coaches for our kids when he can.  Our kids enjoy it, and so do I.  I love watching how the kids take to him.  He keeps practices fun, finds the strengths within each player, and has sooo much patience!  Parents also seem to love him.  And it's fun to see each kid improve during the season!

It's not easy being a coach.  Whether you're dealing with drama from parents, players, or other coaches, it really does take a lot out of you,  Bobby handles it with grace, and as silly as it sounds, when he's in his element, I am reminded of the reasons I fell in love with him.  I have to say, we have gotten really lucky this year - the parents on both of our teams have been awesome, and so we haven't had to deal with a lot of drama from them.  Most of the drama has come from other coaches.  Speaking of coach of a husband - I have become the team mom, team secretary, and official scorekeeper.  I have learned so much about baseball in the last 4 months, and I've also never paid such close attention to a baseball game.  I do enjoy it!

Jillian has played on a soccer team twice before this season, and she likes variety.  So when baseball ended, I gave her a choice between basketball and soccer.  She chose soccer, and I have to say,  I  think it's safe to say that she has found her sport!  I've received several compliments on her skills, and watching her with the other kids, she really is pretty good! 

In my first post, and my August 1st post, I mentioned that I was going to focus on losing weight and getting healthy again.  While I never gave up that "want," I never fully committed to it either.  Fast forward to September 8th.  I was about to be 34.5 years old.  That's right - I was 6 months and 2 days away from being 35.  I was really having a BLAH day.  I'm not sure why it was so blah, but it was just that - nothing special.  I was just going through the motions.  Then I got home, and was going through the mail, and I there was a letter from Slim4Life.  It was a sign.  I sat there on my couch reading the letter and then just stared at it.  

You see, Slim4Life is the way I lost my weight in 2012.  I swore I'd never do it again because I didn't want to rely on anyone else to help me succeed, nor buy any supplements.  But the there it was - the truth staring back at me in the form of a letter.  I had tried unsuccessfully for the last 2.5 years to lose the weight I had gained back.  I needed the structure.  I needed someone to hold me accountable.  And, I knew the program worked. 

So, with that letter in hand, I told Bobby that I wanted to rejoin, and he was supportive of my decision,  On Saturday, September 10th, exactly 6 months before my 35th birthday, I rejoined Slim4Life.   I weighed in at my highest weight ever.  EVEN more than when I was pregnant with either of my kids.  249.2 was the number staring back at me on the scale.  That was a hard number to swallow, but it was real.   My goal is 140 pounds.  

109.2 pounds to lose - this is a LOFTY goal, and is very intimidating.  But, I decided to approach it differently this time.  I decided to focus on 10 pounds at a time.  Something clicked this time, and I was ready.  

My program officially started on Monday, September 12th, and it was a prep week with a nutrition class.  Prep week is basically a cleanse week where you eat only green raw vegetables and protein.  5 days of meat and raw veggies eliminating sugars and carbs from your system.  You're supposed to eat 2-3 pounds of protein per day focusing on red meat, and all of the green raw veggies you want.  Let's just say that by Thursday morning, I was done with red meat.  I was gagging at the thought of beef, the smell of beef, and the sight of beef.  Oh, and raw broccoli and spinach.  It was tempting to throw in the towel, but instead, I ate a whole rotisserie chicken that Thursday for lunch, and switched to cucumbers and celery for my veggies.  I had a hamburger for dinner that night, and chicken during the day on Friday finishing the week with hamburger steak.  I cannot tell you how proud I was completing that week of prep when I was literally gagging at the thought of eating. 

Making it through prep week lit a fire in me.  I started my weight-loss weeks on the following Saturday, 9/17, with a fierce determination that I hadn't seen in myself in a long time.  I was excited!  This past Saturday marked the start of my third week of weight-loss, and I was down 12.2 pounds.  After weighing in tonight, I'm now down 13.8 pounds and 9 inches.  I have had many temptations, and even made it through my period week without a single cheat.    Zero.  I cannot tell you what a sense of pride that gives me!  My goal is to stay focused and on plan until Thanksgiving, and then I will have my first cheat meal, but in moderation meaning I will eat whatever I want, but it must fit on my plate the first time through the line.  No second plates.  Then it's back on plan until Christmas dinner, and then my birthday.

I know this may sound extreme to some, and like I'm depriving myself.  People may not agree with a weight-loss program that relies on "approved foods" from a "list" or supplements, but what works for some doesn't work for everyone.  Everyone must choose what will work best for them, and right now, structure is what I need.  I am a binge eater, and a stress eater.  I am currently on day 22 without binge or stress eating, and I am feeling empowered. 

So while I know many will judge what path I choose for this, there will be some that are inspired, and some that are on the same path or one very similar.  This is my story, and only mine.  


Monday, August 1, 2016

Well, Hello August!

How in the world is it August, already?!?  Time sure has flown this year, as has my summer!  It's shocking to me to think that school starts for my kids in T minus eleven days! Yet here we are - August is here, and it's officially another Monday.

And, I think that's a sign - A new month AND a new week starting on the same day - Time to officially re-focus on myself and my goals for ME! 

When 2016 started, my motivation was lacking.  I set goals for myself and after multiple failed attempts at working towards them, I am actually further from them when this year started.  I have no other excuse than I am lazy. 

There is a silver lining here!  While my mind has not been in the right "state" to keep me focused or for me to be ready to crush my goals, I have not yet given up on them.  They cross my mind DAILY.  And that in itself has to mean something, right?  

I'm gong to say - if those goals still cross my mind DAILY, then they must still be important!

In approximately 7 months, I will be turning 35.  For me, I think that's harder than turning 30.  I have no idea why, but it is.  When I hit this milestone, I'd like to think I have my life in order, and have formed new habits, and am on my way to be an even more awesome version of myself!

People talk about when setting goals, they should be SMART goals.  What they mean by this is that they are:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time Based
While I believe all of these "criteria" are important in setting goals, I also believe it's important to have both short-term and long-term goals.  It's also important that you have a "WHY."

First things first - my why is two fold, and while my why's might seem to be centered around me, my biggest reason for taking charge of me is so that I am around for these two as long as possible and that when they are grown, they're able to look back and remember a fun mom!

So, what are my goals????

First my long term goals with my "why" below them.

  • Lose the weight!  (surprising, huh?)
    • I haven't weighed within the last month, but I know I am a good 100 pounds over my healthy weight range.  My goal is to weigh 130-135.  YIKES - did I seriously just type that out???
  • Have calves small enough to wear boots.
    • I absolutely love boots.  My calves are simply too big for them.  
  • Have definition in both my legs and my arms.
    • Who doesn't want legs to look good in shorts, or arms look good in tanks?
  • Run a mile without stopping.  Then run a 5K, and then a 10K...without stopping!
    • I have always admired runners.  And I want to be a runner.  I've never ran a mile without stopping.  So that' first on my list.  I've done several 5K races, but I've never ran an entire one, so once I am able to run that first mile without stopping, the next stop is completing the 5k, and then the 10k!  Who knows, maybe I'll celebrate my birthday with running a 5K???
  • Make smarter choices when choosing my food, and portion control.
    • I'm a binge and stress eater.  I need to find balance.  And, my kids are following in my footsteps, especially my daughter.  I need to become that example for both of them, but most importantly her!
  • Make working out a regular part of my routine - even if it's just 3 days per week.
    • I'm tired of feeling sluggish and tired all the time.  I want the energy and working out will improve my overall heath.  
    • Both of my parents were in and out of the hospital when I was little, starting when I was in the 1st grade.  You can't out run family history or hereditary issues, but you can sure work at being the healthiest version of you that you can be, and that's excatly what I intend to do!
  • While I will never probably wear a true bikini, I'd love to be able to wear a tankini where my "tummy" peaks out.
    • As silly and vain as this sounds, I want to feel confident in a swimsuit without feeling like I must cover up.  This year at the beach over vacation, I stayed in my beach chair because I didn't feel confident nor did I have the energy I should have had to play at the beach with my kids.  NEXT summer, I will be that confident mom enjoying life at the beach (or pool) with her kids!
  • I'm sure there are more that I am missing right now, so I'll continue to edit this list this week.
My short term goals:
1) Give up pop.  If it becomes a binge situation, then clear diet soda will be acceptable.
2)  Drink 1/2 of my weight in ounces of water per day, and no less than 100 ounces of water per day.
3) Eliminate 1/2 and 1/2 from my coffee.  Instead, use skim milk.  
4) No flavored coffee drinks.
5)  2 pieces of fruit per day.

I'm thinking that each week, I'll update with my progress and set 3-5 new weekly short term goals to implement.  They won't all be fitness and health related, but right now, that's my focus as I feel like lately I've been in a big slump and I HAVE TO PULL MYSELF OUT OF IT!!!!!!

I want my confidence, energy, and self love back.  Everything else will fall into place.

Monday, July 25, 2016

My favorite color is teal.

Before my blog takes off (ha!), I thought I'd do a quick intro post...

First things first - I'm Susan.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'll fill you in on my sweet little family, and other random things that make me, well, me.

I met my husband my freshman year of high school after moving to a new school and town.  We have 2 kiddos, and we live with 2 dogs, a cat, and a hamster near Kansas City.  

I love coffee, margaritas, and tacos.  In that order.

I like warm weather - NOT to be confused with HOT and HUMID like the summers in the Midwest.  I'm quite cranky when I'm hot, and prefer spring and fall to summer.  Winter is okay - hello snow!

My favorite candy is a toss up between Snow Caps, Hot Tamales, and Pay Days.

I am the oldest of 3 kids.  Both my brother and my sister still live in my hometown.

My degree is in Accounting, and I worked in accounting for nearly 10 years.  Now I work in mobile advertising, and think maybe I should have been a teacher.

I love all music.  But, my favorite is country.  I LOVE Miranda Lambert; Maren Morris; Eric Church; Little Big Town; Chris Young; and Blake Shelton.  I want legs like Carrie Underwood.  Country aside, Kid Rock is also on my bucket list to see in concert.  

I have dreams of becoming a runner, but am far from it.

I am terrified of heights, snakes, and mice.  I also despise birds when they are in close proximity to me.

I do not like seafood.

I grew up on a farm, but now live in the suburbs.  One day, I would love to live on some land and have a small farm.

I am fluent in sarcasm.

I have a reality TV addiction; hello Big Brother.  I am also a loyal watcher of other TV series, so I depend on my DVR to keep up with "my shows."  I've recently discovered Netflix--Thank you, Fuller House for only being released on Netflix thus forcing me to sign up.  Now, I'm hooked...

I do not like to cook.  I can cook, and I am good at it, but I prefer to let my husband handle that task.

I am never caught up on laundry.  I probably never will be, and I'm okay with that.

I like to read.

I have too many crafting supplies for any normal person.

I love, love, love to go antiquing.  I'd fill my house with antiques...if I could afford to. And, if my husband would let me.

I have goals.  But that's another post for another day.

In summary, I am ...

I finally did it.

I've said I would start a blog at least 1,375 times, and I think I may have even set up a blog once or twice.  And by set up, I mean, I clicked on the "Blogger icon," and attempted to come up with a name for my blog that was catchy, yet me, and I never could come up with one, so then I'd forget it and move on.

So what's different about today? Well, it's Monday!  And if you know anything about anything, anything of importance or that will take some time must start on a Monday! Kidding.  Monday has nothing to do with it.

A couple of things are different about today.

  • I woke up yesterday with a new outlook on life.  
  • Sitting here at work, "Sunshine & Unicorns" popped into my head, thus the name of my blog, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to run with it - I finally have a name for my blog!
  • I want a place to be able to look back on life - funny things; life experiences; things my children do or say; whatever.
  • AND, last but not least, I was reminded by FaceBook of a big accomplishment of mine from 4 years ago, and I am disappointed to say that as proud of that accomplishment that I was, I want so badly to be there again.  And with this, I'm hoping that this blog will provide some accountability and motivation to reach a new milestone and surpass this one from 4 years ago!
From FaceBook, July 25, 2012: After hitting a 6 week, 3 day very stubborn plateau where I gained and lost the same 4.2 pounds over and over again, I am ecstatic to say, I have finally hit the 50 pound mark! My goal is in sight now... When I started on Feb. 1st, 78 pounds was literally a dream. I weigh in nightly, and occasionally on Saturday mornings, which I did this past weekend. I hit "50" with my morning weight, and after today's weigh in, I can say I officially own it! My nightly weight matches my Saturday morning weight! Woohoo!

So here I am.  

Now what?  What shall I write about?  A few ideas I have...
  • Goals - a new me.
  • My family - my kids.  My husband.  Our pets.  My extended family.
  • Work here and there - but nothing too in depth.
  • Randomness.
We'll see where it goes, together.